What is YAML?
YAML is a data-oriented structure that allows users to create custom file properties using key-value pairs. YAML can only be added in the following extensions:
YAML Interface

In order to create a file property, you will first need to enter and select the following information:
A unique identifier for a value.
The type of value to be set for a particular key. The following are the types of values that are supported:
String: Allows you to enter any character in the Value field.
Number: Allows you to only enter numerical values in the Value field.
Array: Allows you to enter an ordered list of values.
Object: Allows you to enter a list of values with unique identifiers.
Boolean: Allows you to only select 'True' or 'False' in the Value field.
Null: Allows you to only select 'Null' in the Value field.
Values such as letters, numbers, 'Yes/No' and 'Null' can be input.
Please refer to the YAML documentation for more information.
In the editor, tap on â‹® > YAML Editor.
Input the YAML code in the code editor.
Tap on the Done button to save the changes.
In the editor, tap on ⋯ > YAML Editor.
Input the YAML code in the code editor.
Tap on the Done button to save the changes.
This feature is available in v14.0.0.
In the menu, click on File > YAML Editor.
Input the YAML code in the code editor.
Tap on the Done button to save the changes.

In the editor, click on the YAML Editor button, which is located next to the "Publish" button.
Input the YAML code in the code editor.
Click on the OK button to save the changes.
To view the YAML code, click on the </> icon in the Editor screen.
Updated on: 01/07/2022
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