Articles on: Add Ons

Restore Purchase

To restore purchase, please restart your device. If it does not work, try the following steps:
Uninstall the app on the phone.
Go to the Play Store site in your web browser and find the app.
Make sure you're logged into the website with the right account.
Install the app through the Play Store from a Web Browser. (Note: Do not do this through the Mobile App.)
Select your mobile device and click Install. Wait a minute for the app to install on your device

Troubleshoot Creative/Pro Cloud Purchase
To check if the purchase is linked to the correct account, go to JotterPad > Open navigation menu > Addons. In the purchase dialog, verify the email address.

Open JotterPad > Me > Add-ons > Restore Purchase.

Open JotterPad > Press JotterPad in menu > Press Upgrade... > Select Restore Purchase.

Go to settings > Cloud > Account > Billing > Press ⟳.

Updated on: 28/04/2021

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